Monday, August 2, 2010

Nieu-Bethesda in the snow, June 17 2010

The days prior to the snowfall on the Thursday night were very sharp. Ian Alleman and I did the circumnavigation of the Compassberg the afternoon before and it was bitterly cold. On the morning of the snow - 30cm by some accounts - the townfolk filtered into the streets to see the extent of the fall. It was substantial and the town was cut off until the weekend, although no more snow fell. The Owlhouse, after a short spell open, was closed, as some of the figures were completely covered. It was feared that visitors would not see the statues and break them.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing photos, Peter. Such a contrast to when I was there last, when in was like a furnace in mid-summer. Thanks for sharing. Have a look at my travel blog too and let me know what you think...


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